
(1) " Autism is a lifelong developmental disability that affects how a person communicates with, and relates to, other people. It also affects how they make sense of the world around them."

(1)People with autism often are either over sensitive or under sensitive to sensory triggers. Taste, touch, smell, ect. Its a thing that is for life - something that requires a lifetime of help and support.

Aspergers (The disorder I have firsthand experience with) is a lot milder on the spectrum; people with Aspergers tend to be of (1) "average intelligence", if not "slightly above average".  Meaning some of us are damn clever!


Stephen Wiltshire, an autistic artist with a photografic memory, is drawing new york city after seeing it once from a helicopter. amazing!:
(2)For example, is an autistic artist called 'Stephen Wiltshire' who was taken up in a helicopter over London for just a few hours. When he came down he redrew every single detail of the London's skyline just from memory! Stephen Wiltshire has a Photographic memory. He drew a 13 foot canvas on London's skyline - about seven miles between Canary Warf and the tower of London . Its incredible the amount of detail in his work - and the fact that its all from his memory is beyond belief! (2)He memorized the size and shapes and exact positions of each building during his flight.  

(2)Stephen Wiltshire was diagnosed with autism when he was three. It took him three days to draw the giant panoramic piece. His drawing is so exact, down to the number of floors inside each skyscraper. (2)He was set the challenge by Channel five  - who created a program for him called ' Extraordinary people - the Human camera' He received an MBA for his work in 2006 and also has a Gallery in London. 

Displaying the typical recognizable signs of Autism, when Stephen Wiltshire was a child, he threw tantrums quite a lot and couldn't really speak much. He would get frustrated that no one understood him. The only thing that could calm him down was giving him a pencil and some paper.(2) His talent really started to shine through when he was six; he drew an amazing like for like drawing of the Selfridges store opposite his house - so advanced that it was clear he had abilities way beyond his years. He sold his first drawing at the age of eight - he had drawn Salisbury cathedral. It was this leap that encouraged him to live his life independently and start to reach out to others. 

The first steps of getting him to talk to people however was tedious - A school for special needs children in Fulham only got him to speak by confiscating his art supply's, (2)forcing him to shout 'Paper!' He particularly likes drawing buildings. 
why are buildings a favorite subject of Stephen's, you wonder? because they are all the same basically. Autistic people love patterns - repetition. He has identified the repetition in an environment and recreates it. 

(8)I was particularly surprised to discover that Bill Gates himself has what is called 'High functioning autism' which supports the theory that autistic people can be exceptionally brilliant!

Autistic people are very insular. They don't like stepping out of their comfort zones. They don't appreciate change much and can get very irritate if their routines are interrupted. Neither do they have any great emotional attachments to anything or anyone. But they are single minded in their quest for gratification and fulfillment. They can focus on one thing at a time and apply themselves completely to that thing with no breaks, quite happily consistent in their concentration - but any more pressure, or being disturbed from that focus and they can't cope. This is more of a stereotypical description for the characteristics of autism. But, as stated before, there are many different levels of autism - some cases may be milder or more severe. (1)Some people on the autistic spectrum are said to even enjoy the way they think and their different perspective. 

(1)People with Aspergers will have fewer problems with speech and behaviors than autistic people do - but may still have difficulty understanding other peoples behaviors and what is called 'social norms' Or how to react in certain situations. 


Its a condition one is born with.  (8)A neurodevelopmental issue.(4)Whether genetic or the parent's age or pregnancy related problems, its unclear yet. research doesn't quite know why people have it, they just know they do. The genetic abnormality merely effects how the neurons in the brain link up and how messages are sent from one bit of the brain to another.

(4)It has been proven as well that if you have a child with autism, you are more likely to have another with the condition, should you have any more children.  As I have already stated above, there are both genetic and perhaps environmental factors for a child having autism. For instance if the parent is too old, that could run the risk during pregnancy of the child developing autism. There is also an idea that early vaccinations for baby's could cause autism, although there is no evidence to support this statement. 

(5)There are conditions that link with Autism, such a depression and ADHD as well. These can be possible symptoms to help diagnosing autism.

There are a lot of books about Autism - here are a few of them.

The Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome (2006). Tony Attwood. Jessica Kingsley Publishers: London.
Finding Out About Asperger's Syndrome, High-Functioning Autism and PDD. Author Gunilla Gerland. Jessica Kingsley Publishers: London
Parenting a child with Asperger Syndrome – 200 tips & strategies. B Boyd (Jessica Kingsley)
It can get better. Paul Dickinson & Liz Hannah
The ASD Workbook: Understanding your Autism Spectrum Disorder. Penny Kershaw.


Raising children with Autism can be extremely challenging. I found a quote from the Gaurdian's website which I find particularly amusing

(6) "Your sleep is broken and stays that way. Kids with autism don't really do bedtime - they keep going, Duracell Bunny-style, until unconsciousness sets in, often after midnight."

Children with autism often display hyperactivity when it comes to movement and behaviors; from headbanging, to being just generally destructive for no reason. (6)Having a child with autism limits you as a parent as well in many ways - you can't just go out for a meal, you can't just go to the cinema - you can't just pop round friend's houses. Everything you do has restrictions and has to be planned for in advance.

(7)"There are over 500,000 people in the UK living with autism"

(8) "About 10% of people with autism may also have some special skills or abilities."

(8)Children with autism has trouble understanding other people and other children, which can, in turn, effect their ability to make friends.  The want for routine and patterns will also take its toll on family living; the child may want to take the exact same route to school each day, or have to put on or take off their clothes in a particular order.  (8)They can find it distressing should you disrupt their routine. Some children with Autism dislike loud noises and can be alarmed by the sound of a hairdryer or a door slamming ect.  Every child fidgets, however autistic children go a bit further - to weird bodily ticks, if you will - repeated unnatural movements; these can include finger twisting or hand flapping, or (8)'complicated whole body movements'

Many Autistic people dislike being touched or find it uncomfortable displaying or being shown affection. The children may push or shy away from being touched.  Autistic children are also extremely vulnerable to exploitation and bullying, especially in a school environment. Children can be horrible when they want to be. (9)Symptoms for Autism are usually obvious before the age of three, however a diagnosis can be made after the age of three.

(9)A lot of children, as well as a few adults with autism tend to repeat words and phrases said by others. For instance, I have a friend who has a foster son who is extremely autistic. He finds it hard to hold a normal conversation and if you say 'How are you? he will repeat it back to you 'I'm fine, yeh How are you?' It may seem like manners, but bear in mind, he does this with everything. Also when he says 'I'm fine' - he says it because its the 'expected' answer; it may take some encouragement before he says how he really is - which tends to be very much NOT fine.

(10)IF YOU THINK YOUR CHILD HAS THE SYMPTOMS OF ASD (Autistic spectrum disorder) - CONTACT YOUR GP. Not everyone with autism has to be diagnosed -but  it just makes it easier to put a name to a behavior.

(11) Interestingly enough, studies have shown that Autism seems to affect men more than women.
(11)Autism isn't a apparent thing - people with "autism do not 'look' disabled" - so parents tend to put their child's behavior down to naughtiness. This is a common misconception.
(11)"The world can be a very confusing place for autistic people"

(11) People with autism are often seen as 'insensitive' and 'anti-social' - acting strangely around people or in certain situations. I have been called both of those things, so I know what that is like.  It all comes down to lack of communication and awareness.  A lot of autistic people will find something they really love doing - an outlet, if you will, and it'll help them through their life. whether their obsession changes or is a lifelong thing. I for one, like art and have carried it through since i was a child. My dad used to do art, which inspired me.

Naoki Higashida
(6)Naoki Higashida - a Japanese 13 year old boy who
suffers from autism and wrote about his experiences in a now published book.
Naoki Higashida wrote the book called ' Living is a battle - the reason I jump'; its all about his experiences growing up with autism. (6)When he was interviewed by The Guardian - he told them that he never even noticed he was special needs- until people started to ridicule him and call him different. Then he realized they saw it as a problem. It was very hard for him to act like a 'normal person'.

I can relate to Naoki Higashida entirely; as this was exactly the way I found out myself about having Aspergus.

(6)Naoki Higashida went on to tell The Guardian how frustrated and miserable he felt for those years - and how he'd pretend what it would be like if everyone in the world had autism. How much easier thing would be. He found he could express himself through his love of writing, although there are many autistic people that don't have an outlet for their frustration.

(6)When The Guardian asked why people with autism talk loudly and 'weirdly' Naoki Higashida replied that he can't control the volume of his voice. Sometimes he thinks hes talking normally, and sometimes he talks too quietly. It's it is. He can't control it. He also explained he repeats questions a lot, such as 'what day is it?' or 'what time is it?'. He says he hasn't really got a concept of time inside his head- he could have been told the answer just now, or a long time ago - there really is no difference. He forgets hes asked. I personally do this as well sometimes - which can irritate people.

He quoted
(6)"I imagine a normal person's memory is arranged continuously, like a line. My memory however, is more like a pool of dots. I'm always 'picking up' these dots - by asking my questions - so I can arrive back at the memory that the dots represent."

(6) Naoki Higashida also said that he doesn't imagine anyone who is born human would ever want to be left alone - however many autistic people are seen as solitary and 'preferring to be left alone'. The truth is, he told the Guardian, Autistic people usually end up on their own, because then things cant go wrong - like they could if you were talking to someone. A common anxiety is that we're 'getting on your nerves' or causing trouble for you. He went on to say that Autistic people love being with other people - but as things never, ever go right, they just get used to being alone. I find that so sad.

(6)He also explained that facial expression in autistic people are different from 'normal people'  - your sense of humor might not match his - he might not find your humor funny at all. He also said there are times when you feel 'downright hopeless' and basically have nothing to laugh for. When a situation arises that does require a reaction that an autistic person is capable of - sometimes they just freeze - they don't know how to process and react to the incident.

Check out this short  animation on autism and what you can do to help;

"Disability is not always visible - but your response is"

(12a)I was looking at a autobiography about someone's experience growing up with Asperger's and having a son with autism. He wrote that his son often covered his ears with his hands because he has overactive sensory issues, and he'd shout 'Too noisy!' at almost about everything. His son also spots labels on clothes from miles off and hates the feel of them against his skin so fights tooth and nail to get his parents to cut them off. The author's wife was also recorded to have tried various techniques to help the son find it more bearable to touch certain materials. He can now touch sand and grass and sometimes paint. His son is very sensitive to touch and also has trouble interacting with people, as per the usual characteristics with Autism. (12a) One quote I secretly found particularly amusing is when the author said that his son doesn't understand when someones having a conversation about something he doesn't want to talk about. The author said that "He goes up to people and licks them or sings 'slim shady' in their face" The author said although it may be funny to watch, its saddening because no one quite understands how hes thinking.

(12b) He also said that his other son called Joe, has some form of autism and when he meets new people he goes up to them and within seconds is telling them his entire life story and asking personal questions that you would not ask people you've just met. A lot of people who don't understand Autism would see this as blatant rudeness. (12c) The author (Luke Jackson) also said that he himself is not exempt from the difficulties of Asperger's. He said that people tell him he can be very pedantic and speak quite slowly and all in one tone(monotonous)

(12d) "No one wants to have a syndrome and no one wants to tell people that they have got one, so sometimes things get left unsaid or not even thought of in the first place."

(12e) Luke also wrote that even though people have difficulties with Apergus/Autism, as they grow up and get older, they can learn to disguise it and learn to fit in with 'normal' people.

(12f)Luke Jackson in his book also mentioned that when he was younger he often had fixations on things - obsessions. Be it dinosaurs, Playstations games or anything else that might amuse a young boy ; and he'd often get excited when he talked about such things. However if and when he got interrupted, he'd get increasingly angry. He feels the want to talk about the so much it builds up inside like an excitement and he feels irritable at being stopped or dismissed. I can relate 100% to this, personally.

(12g) Luke Jackson also recalled his mum telling him that when he was little he used to have so many rituals he'd have to do before he could go to bed - he'd have to kiss each wall and flick the light switch on and off again, before throwing a teddy out of the room and then lining up his other teddies. He said he just HAD to do it. It was a compulsion.

(12h) An all to familiar phrasing that comes from parents of someone with Autism/ Asperger's is
"Are you listening to me? Look at me when I am talking to you!" - Luke thinks that adults are way too adamant get people to look at them when they're talking to them. This is a phrase I heard a lot as a child and Luke's book says that ' It's due to listening and attention problem'. His son Joe doesn't like to look at people and likes to do his own thing - hence there's no point in even trying to talk to him. But then again if you ask them a question and they know the answer - they were listening but they just weren't looking at you.

Characteristics into concept designs for characters

(12i) Here is a list of things Autistic people may do or find tempting to do:

  • Knowing what personal space is and not encroaching on others  - Autistic people may get too close to people as they don't understand this 
  • Staring; Whether the person has a disability or is particularly attractive or ugly - most people curb their fascination and advert their eyes so as to not make the person feel uncomfortable, whereas Autistic people don't care and may stare anyway out of curiosity. 
  • Autistic people may make comments about others as well , about how they look or act - and they will probably not be discrete about it. Good or bad comments; they could come out with anything. 
  • They may tell sexist/racist jokes and innuendos which may be inappropriate to the situation. 
(12j) Luke Jackson also said he doesn't mind his own company at all. He quite likes being alone sometimes and found from a young age he had nothing in common with other boys his age.  He said it was hard to know how to carry out conversations and know when they had ended.  One of his quotes that I wholeheartedly agree with is:

(12j)"I would say that if you don't want to mix with people and are quite happy on your own, then carry on and don't let anyone push you into anything different."

(12k) A lot of people with Autism may have pushy parents or people trying to force them to do things they wouldn't want to do.  -A lot of people with autism may not like their space with invaded and find large public gatherings claustrophobic and may panic if forced to do things

(12l). A few pointers he gives to the readers is to not let anyone convince you that liking your own company is wrong, and if you are a sufferer with Autism, and you want friends - be very selective. Don't just have loads of friends who don't understand you. try to find friends that are few in number and very supportive and lovely. Be happy with who you are - you are unique. It's very important to keep your self esteem up and not be so self critical. 

(12L) "never make yourself feel uncomfortable for the sake of fitting in."

(13a)  There was once a thought that Autism was a blood-borne disease and there was tests to detect it. But Autism is in the brain - not the blood. The important thing to remember is that with autism sufferers, there is "NOTHING ORGANICALLY WRONG WITH THE BRAIN" the brain is totally healthy and just thinks differently. 

(13b) There is evidence that while the baby is in the womb, it can develop autism if the mother has high levels of stress,

(13c) Autism is more common in boys than girls , as there is a lot of testosterone in the brain. Simon Baron-cohen, the well known autism researcher stated that  there was high levels of testosterone present in the amniotic fluid in the womb while the baby was developing. 

(13d) Things to look out for to see if your child is displaying symptoms of Autism. 

  • playing with toys how they are not intended to be used (spinning the wheels on an upside down truck instead of rolling it the right way up on the floor)
  • over organised- like things in certain places and likes to line stuff up 
  • Doesn't care when parents leave room or house - shows no sign of worry or attachment.
  • has overactive senses; doesn't like certain sound, lighting or certain textures. (touch)
  • repetitive worrying behavior such as hurting themselves or bumping their heads against the wall over and over. 
  • does not have much of an imagination or do any imaginative play.  (imaginary friends ect)
  • doesn't worry about strangers and feels completely confident around them (isn't aware of the concept stranger danger)
  • Has too many unusual interests or none/ little. 
  • may display signs of ADHD- can't wait their turn or fidget when trying to sit still. 
  • Hates changes in their life and routines and in general will try and battle against it.
  • Starts becoming clever very young - unusually young , usually under 2 years. Starts reading and waiting  at an age where you wouldn't expect them to. 
  • Thinks visually rather than in words and is overly focused on all the little details of things.
  • Has an unusually good memory and can remember things others might now; dates, sentences, pages from books ect. 
  • Is often extremely good at fine detail drawing. 
  • Is really good a music - can remember and replay pieces or are skilled in reading music or in a particular instrument.
  • may have asthma, eczema or lots of allergies
  • has over sensitivities to certain foods (different from food allergies) certain foods may affect their behavior. 

(14a) People with Autism/Asperger's may be considered eccentric when compared to neuro-typical people.

(14b) interestingly enough Autistic people, more often than not have an intolerance to dairy and maybe eggs. 

(14c) Aspies or Autistic people often take things literally.  ie. Have trouble understanding metaphors ect.*


(15b) Autistic people jump to conclusions a lot. ie. " They're whispering. Are they whispering about me? I bet they're talking about me!"



It's all in your head by Suzanne O'Sullivan   ISB:978 0 701 18926 6  first published in  2015 by Chatto & Windus publishing company.

Autism life skills ( 10 essential abilities your child with autism needs to learn)  by Chantal Sicile- Kira   ISB: 978 0 09 192908 4  first published in the U.S in 2008 by Penguin group Inc.

References on Autism













(12)Freaks, Geeks and Asperger Syndrome
By Luke Jackson. and ISBN 978 1 84310  098 0
First Published in 2002 by Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

(12a) Page 17
(12b) Page 23
(12c)page 22
(12d) page 26
(12e) page 29
(12f) page 44
(12g) Page 56
(12h) page 70
(12i) page 104
(12J)page 165
(12k) page 167
(12L) page 166

(13)The scientific truth about preventing, diagnosing and treating
 autism spectrum disorders - and what parents can do now. AUTISM  
by Dr Robert Melillo  ISBN: 978 0 399 15953 4
First published in 2013 by Penguin Group Inc.

(13a) page 10
(13b) page 65
(13c) page 100-101
(13d)page 128

(14) Understanding autism for dummies by Stephan M. Shore, MA and Linda G.Rastelli, MA    ISBN 0 7645 2547 6    first published in Indiana by Wiley Publishing Inc,  Indianapolis

(14a) page 31
(14b) page 46
(14c) page 81

(15)Teenage depression A CBT guide for parents by Monika Parkinson and Shirley Reynolds
ISBN: 978 1 4721 1454 9    first published in 2015 by Robinsons.

(15a) page 372
(15b) page 374

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