I came across a website for practicing Art therapists, here in cheltenham, and the surrounding area who help people who have had traumatic experiences such as abuse and (1)'childhood trauma'. I have emailed two of them requesting an interview to talk about their practices and methods they use. I really hope they reply because It would be a fascinating interview.

(2)"I believe passionately in Art Therapy and it's ability to help people. I have extensive experience and expertise working with adults suffering from a wide range of mental health and psychological difficulties.  For 19 years I worked as an art therapist for the NHS in Adult Mental Health and now have a private practice in Nailsworth near Stroud. I have run many Art therapy groups throughout my career. "

(2)"My approach is eclectic taking into account a person's present circumstances and significant early life experiences. I believe that a creative side of art therapy is especially important as a healing experience for clients. I am non-directive in the sessions, offering a gentle reflective presence."



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